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"In Irons" Project Recipe

​This is a work-in-progress, it works like this:

  1. Take abstract black and white photographs in Maine.

  2. Place abstract black and white photographs on the walls in the metalworking studio.

  3. Experiment with Oxy-Acetylene torch and MIG welder to create abstract pieces made of steel, while glancing at photographs in the metalworking studio.

  4. Take photos of abstract steel pieces and go back to Maine and take abstract photographs inspired by the photos of the abstract pieces made of steel.

  5. Repeat.

  6. Retroactively apply meaning to abstract pieces by noting that the tidal pools are filled with rusting iron ore, with sublime hues and colors, that are hard to capture in photographs, but note that some of the abstract sculptures approximate these colors.

  7. Retroactively apply meaning to abstract pieces by noting “In Irons” is a nautical term meaning the trapped condition a sailing ship finds itself in when the bow of the ship is headed into the wind and the ship has stalled and is unable to maneuver.   Elaborate that the term allegedly dates from when prisoners aboard old sailing ships were secured to the deck with leg-irons, unable to move.   Relate this to your personal biography.

© Copyright Chris Bohner
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